April, 2022
We had the opportunity this April to host students from North Country Career Center in Newport and the Center for Technology in Essex to demonstrate our forestry work on the Vermont National Guard lands.
We love connecting with forestry students and showing them education in action. The forestry industry needs young folks like these students to step into positions to keep the industry alive.
Our forestry work is multiple-resource, meaning we manage for a multitude of resources. These include healthy, productive forests, wildlife, protection of ecological features and resources and rare, threatened and/or endangered species.
Our prescribed burning program is two-fold: 1) To reduce fuel loads, which helps to prevent wildland fires, and 2) To promote fire-adapted species in rare sandplain natural communities.
We got this awesome letter of thanks from the students at North Country:
Pictured: Students from the Center for Technology in Essex posing for a photo above a small demonstration prescribed burn. The weather was rainy and cold, so the fire activity was suppressed - which made for a perfect demonstration.