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I would walk five hundred miles...or maybe just twelve!


This past summer, Greenleaf worked with a private landowner in Chittenden County to restore and create twelve miles of trails. The restored trails were former skid trails that had eroded and washed out over decades of non-use. These trails were re-shaped with an excavator and are suitable for off-road vehicle use.

A second system of trails were improved/created as spur or loop trails that connect to special features on the property- views, waterfalls and (our personal favorite) a wild blueberry patch. These trails are suitable for off-road vehicle use.

The third system of trails are intended for foot traffic only. We color-coded each trail system and provided the landowner with a trail map so they can navigate the system.

This project is an example of not only improving recreational use and access, but also of protecting the watershed. The former skid trails were eroding and the fine silty wash was eventually finding its way into the Huntington River. The restoration work will protect the watershed by stabilizing the trails and ensuring a stop to the erosion and sedimentation. Forest trails are a critical piece of watershed protection.

Greenleaf is working with Watershed Consulting to identify and repair forest trails which are contributing to sedimentation in our watersheds. Check back in for a future update on this important project!

Former skid trail, restored to prevent erosion

Bridge on foot path

Foot path

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